Bar. Akere Pleas for Release of Abducted D.O of Idabato

A Plea for Compassion and Humanity And Release of the District officer of IDABATO, Mr EWANE ROLAND EKWEA addressed to his abductors .

I write to you with a heavy heart, compelled by the distressing situation involving Mr. Ewane Roland Ekwe, the District Officer of Idabato. While you may have your reasons for taking such drastic actions, I implore you to consider the profound impact this has on his family and loved ones.

Mr. Ekwe is not just a public servant; he is a father, a husband, and a member of a community that looks up to him. The anguish and fear that his family is experiencing during this harrowing time are unimaginable. They are living in a state of constant anxiety, mourning the absence of a beloved figure who provides them with love, support, and guidance.

No cause, however noble you may imagine it , justifies the suffering of innocent individuals and their families. The pain inflicted upon Mr. Ekwe and his loved ones only serves to perpetuate a cycle of fear and resentment, rather than advancing any meaningful dialogue or resolution.

I urge you to reflect on the human cost of your actions. Please consider the sorrow that his family is enduring and the potential for healing and understanding that could arise from his safe return. By releasing Mr. Ekwe, you would not only demonstrate compassion but also take a step towards fostering a more humane and just society.

I appeal to your sense of humanity to release Mr. Ewane Roland Ekwe and allow him to return to his family. Let us choose empathy over violence, and understanding over conflict.

Thank you for considering this heartfelt plea.


Akere Muna

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