PIC-NWR Urges Journalist to Be Advocate of Good Governance

By Gilla Everdine

Over 70 media practitioners and professionals participated in a one-day educational seminar at the Public Independent Conciliator’s (PIC)office on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.

The seminar was to equip journalists with accurate information to enhance their reporting on issues of governance at local level.

Tamfu Simon Fai, Public Independent Conciliator for the NWR appealed to journalists to assist in advocating for good governance within municipal councils in the region.

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“The media should continue to accompany the office in promoting good governance in councils’ activity by ensuring that our people enjoy the amenities provided by the government, if they are not well informed about them,” he said.

Journalists from the seven divisions of the NWR raised concerns during the question-and-answer session on several issues including the delayed salaries of council staff.

The PIC explained that councils in the North West rely heavily on government funding due to low revenue generation, and that these funds are often delayed.

The PIC clarified that its mission is to mediate disputes involving councils, and between the councils and users of its services, provided the issues are not pending in court. Any legal person can lodge a complaint with the PIC, either verbally or in writing, ensuring the respect of rights and freedoms and preventing similar disputes in the future.

Participants expressed optimism about the seminar’s impact. Bakah Derrick, CEO of HiltopVoices.com, stated, “It is reassuring for us to know that there is an institution which is solely focused on the development of the people. It reaffirms my confidence that at least I have an institution which addresses our developmental concerns. Also, the challenges we face in the region is that leadership sometimes acts as if they are the only ones entitled to information and are not accountable to anyone.”

With the support of the Public Independent Conciliator, journalists now feel empowered to report on local governance and development more confidently. The seminar highlighted the PIC’s commitment to fostering transparency, accountability, and good governance in the region.

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