PRERAPROD-NW Challenged To Promote Development

Saidouna Ali, SG NW Governor’s Office with a cross section of PRERAPROD members

The Northwest Platform of Proximity Radios – PRERAPROD has been challenged to promote peace, development, equity, gender and child and women health issues through the network. Mr. Saidouna Ali, Secretary General at the NW-Governor’s office made the call on behalf of Governor while officially installing the executive members of the platform on Tuesday March 19, 2024 at the Conference Hall of the regional Delegation of Culture – NW.

He said the platform should work “under the ambit of the law” and should “stand out as a victor of development, a gateway to reach the population with essential information” and to work “in tandem with the different government departments and local authorities for the development of population”

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Executive members of PRERAPROD

He advised that PRERAPROD should I also “collaboration with the Regional Delegate of Communication and other relevant authorities” to ensure compliance with laid down regulations. Adding that radio in the right hands is a veritable tool for development.

Mr. Njike Celestine, Regional Delegate for Communication said the Platform will assist the ministry of Communication and other relevant development and health stakeholders reach the general public with very important information.

Mme Grace Ngwafor, PERAPROD President announced the platform after its official recognition will set out to stamp its feet on the ground by sourcing for partners and producing content for its members.

PRERAPROD was created in 2021 in Bafoussam after a workshop organised by the Ministry of Communication and Public Health with the support of UNICEF. The Platform that groups 20 proximity radios from all the divisions of the Northwest seeks to produce and broadcast programs on essential family practices, promote child and women health amongst others.

PRERAPROD is found in all 10 regions of the country. The putting in place of the regional bureau will pave the way for a national bureau to coordinate the activities of the platform. The regional delegates of communications act like supervisory authorities over the platform.

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SG Governor’s Office and the Regional Delegate Communication
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Grace Ngwafor, President PRERAPROD NW

By Abongwa Fozo

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