At 40, CPDM Mezam Opts for Continuity

By Gilla Everdine

Party leaders at the anniversary

The Ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM) clocked 40 years on Monday March 24, 2025 with commemorative activities held across the country. The commemorations were more symbolic in Bamenda, Mezam, where militants gathered at the Bamenda Congress Hall, the same venue the party was given birth to in 1985.

Addressing the fervent militants of the party who braved all odds to turn up for the historic event, Anye Cletus Matoya, Mezam IB Section President described the party as the “bedrock and major driver of our democracy and development”

He called on the militants to put their weight behind the party’s emblematic leader Paul Biya for a “clear, transparent and unambiguous victory for the CPDM candidate” in the forthcoming presidential election.

Mr. Matorya added that the CPDM has remained committed in the past 40 years in its effort of “preserving peace, unity and integrity” of Cameroon, adding it’s for this reason why the “state accompanied by many youths came out in their thousands all over the national territory to condemn the barbaric acts perpetrated against members of government and senior officials abroad”

Anye Cletus matoya, Mezam 1B section president

He went further to paint the CPDM as the only political party in Cameroon that unites youth and represents Cameroon’s diversity and guarantees hope for all Cameroonians. He called on all to remain focused and steadfast to the ideology of the party and the version bearers President Paul Biya and above all not to lost sight of the upcoming elections in 2025.

Senator Regina Mundi, acting Regional Head for the CPDM used the anniversary to call on President Paul Biya to “launch his campaign here in the Northwest region where the CPDM was born” adding he attended the creation of the CPDM in his first outing as president, a mark of his love for Bamenda and the Northwest region.

She described the CPDM as a beacon of hope and progress, a party natured by the love and commitment of its militants, adding the CPDM is the only party that can be found in every part of Cameroon.

“Today, we are proud to celebrate what we’ve accomplished, but we know our journey is far from over. The future holds even greater promise.” She said, calling on young Cameroonians to drop their weapons and join the DDR centres and the vision of a better Cameroon as prescribed by the Head of State Paul Biya.

The day was filled with a series of events, all aimed at reflecting on the party’s journey, its triumphs, challenges, and its role in shaping the political landscape of Cameroon under the theme “let us all stand ready behind president Paul Biya to take up the challenge of a clear, transparent and unambiguous victory for the CPDM Candidates in the presidential election”

 A sense of unity and pride emanated from the crowd, who were determined to celebrate not only the party’s past successes but also the future as it continues to shape the future of Cameroon

The event also featured a symbolic cutting of the anniversary cake.  15 pioneer members of the CPDM were recognized for their hard work and dedication to the party.

The CPDM party was founded from the ashed of the CNU in 1985, at the Bamenda congress Hall. The party has successully stayed in power since its creation with Paul Biya as its National President

CPDM ruby Jubilee cake
Militants braved the lockdown to show up for the anniversary

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