Who Is Rev. Miki Hans, Moderator Elect PCC

Elected as the seventh Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon during the Synod of of Assurance in Buea on Monday 18, 2024, Rev. Miki Hans is charged with shepherding the PCC for the next five years.

Born on the 13th November 1966, the 58-year old has served the PCC as Synod clerk since 2019.

The Reverend Miki Hans Abia is a leader with gentle attitude, fine temperament, calm spirit, and friendly character. But make no mistake, he is no pushover. This the Christians of PCC Bonamoussadi can attest to.

Reverend Miki Hans Abia, is from Meta and was born in Tombel of Joseph Mejang Miki and Elizabeth Meye Miki. His educational life saw him through GSE Bubutombe through the University of Yaounde 1.

His ministerial journey began in 1993 when he received and accepted a call to the service of water and sacrament. He had to forgo his wish to study geology and mining in a Nigerian university after he made it in flying colours in the dreaded jam examination.

In 1993, he wrote and passed the entrance examination into PTS Kumba. He was later authorised upon graduation to serve as assistant pastor in Kembung Mamfe Presbytery in 1997. In 2000, Reverend Miki Hans Abia was appointed Presbyterial Treasurer for Mamfe Presbytery.

In 2003, he became Presbyterial Secretary for Fako South and then appointed in the same capacity in the East Mungo Presbytery. In November 2019,

Reverend Miki Hans Abia was elected as the 10th Synod Clerk of the PCC. He has held several other strategic positions and post of responsibilities entrusted to his ability by the Church.

Reverend Miki Hans Abia holds a Master in Theology degree with speciality in Systematic Theology from PTS Kumba amongst other scholarly achievements.

He is husband to Nyango Afo Vivian Miki and father to four children.

Reverend Miki Hans Abia believes in the virtues of honesty, humility and consistency.He has the conviction that if a person holds on these values, he is bound to succeed in life.

From his age, it is evident that just like the Rev Ambe Festus Asana, the Rev Miki Hans Abia, will serve the church as moderator just for one term

Compilled thanks to the Communication Department of the PCC

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