By Barrister Aminou Goustave

The arrest of Ayaba Cho Lucas is a significant step towards accountability, not just for separatist warlords, but also for Cameroonian government officials. This isn’t a time for celebration, but rather a call to action to address the massive human rights abuses perpetrated by both government troops and separatist fighters in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon.

The right to self-determination is universally recognized, and fighting for independence isn’t a crime. However, atrocities committed by both sides, including arbitrary arrests, torture, and killings, are crimes against humanity that must be investigated and prosecuted.

Human Rights Abuses:

  • Journalists targeted: Samuel Wazizi’s case is a stark example, where he was arrested, tortured, and killed, with his family still awaiting justice .
  • Massacres: Santa, Bali, Big Babanki, and Ngarbuh are just a few instances where government troops have been accused of violence.
  • Burnings and killings: Kwakwa village was burned down, and Mama Happi was killed in her home, suggesting ethnic targeting.
  • Random shootings: Troops have caused numerous deaths in these regions as reported by AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL.

Government Accountability:

  • Amnesty International’s findings: Documented evidence of atrocities committed by both sides.
    -Social media platforms: MKPD has contributed to the killings of innocent civilians by branding them as terrorists without evidence .
  • Investigations needed: Government officials and individuals involved in these crimes must be held accountable. On the other hand alot of such ATTROCITIES by armed militia is enough for some of their leaders to answer charges for them.

No one should be allowed to go free; these are international crimes that demand justice. The Cameroonian government must take responsibility for its actions and work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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