PECA Mezam Carols with Patron and Protonesses.

By Abongwa Fozo

Choristers from the 19 Presbyterian English Choir Association (PECA)  that makes up PECA Mezam gathered at the Sunday School Hall PC Ntamulung on Sunday December 15, 2024 to carol with it’s  patron and patronesses. The event was aimed to spirit fill the patrons and patroness ahead of the anniversary of the Lord’s coming on December 25.

PECA Mezam carolling

The Rev. Ndang Manfred, PECA Mezam Chaplain in his brief meditation inspired by the gospel of John 17:21-23 invited the choristers and patrons and patronesses to be united as one to ensure the growth of the choir in the presbytery. He urged all to trust one another as Christ admonished his followers to be one and united just as He is one with the Father for the seek of the gospel.

Rev. Ndang PECA Chaplain

The Presbytery President, Tita-ta Samuel Kanjo said PECA Mezam has touched lives through  ” a series of musical ministration, take part in annual PECA Jamboree, take part in spirit filled retreat” amongst many others.

Top as priority for the association in Mezam is the purchase of a musical set worth an estimated 800,000 FCFA which is said will go a long way to ease financial constraints on the group hiring musical instruments every time they need to perform.

PECA Mezam is just three years old after its split from the grand Mezam. It counts 19 choirs in 18 congregations including one from Akwena Prayer Cell and over 600 choristers in total.

The carolling meeting involved singing of several christmas carols exchange of ideas by choristers and the patrons and patronesses, and  a common meal.

the Motto of the PECA is drawn from Psalms 96:1b “sing praises to God all the earth”

Some PECA presbytery officials
PECA female choristers
Some Patron and Patron esses of PECA Mezam

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