Akum: Tragic Death of Boy Sparks Outrage

By Njah Maurine

In a heartbreaking incident in Akum, located in Santa Subdivision of the northwest region, on Sunday September 8, 2024, a boy of about 18 years has taken his own life after being accused of stealing money.

The lifeless remains of the boy, who lived with his grandmother was found in a neighbour’s backyard, alongside a cup containing an unidentified substance that presumably took his life.

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This bottle was found beside the corpse

According to neighbours, the boy felt humiliation and and intense pressure following the accusations. Allegedly, he was threatened with dire consequences if he did not return the money.

Community members have expressed shock and sadness over the incident, raising concerns about the impact of false accusations without investigation on children .

Residents of Akum are calling for greater awareness on mental health issues and support systems for youths. As the community mourns the loss of this young life, many have drawn a lesson from the tragic incident.

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