B’da Celebrates Christmas With Empty Streets.

Most Streets were completely deserted through out the day

December 25th 2023 in the NW Region of Cameroon will forever remain an adventure to the inhabitants of this city of the future. From Ntarikon to Nkwen, From Traveller to Station, From Commercial Avenue to Mobile Nkwen, the streets of Bamenda were all deserted, no vehicles, motorbikes or pedestrian were seen on the streets that were expected to be busy on this day.

Despite one year of preparation to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, non state actors in the on going Anglophone crisis gave out calls for indoor celebrations which they termed safer and “God ordained”.

Fear of the unknown therefore acted as the central factor to destabilize this year’s celebration of Christmas. However many braved the odds to worship in their various houses of prayer before disappearing back into their homes.

Most residents for fear of the unknown remained indoors

Many have thus questioned the practicability of the ideology of a “God ordained struggle” in relationship to fighting against a God centered celebration. The future remains uncertain as the city dwellers hope the end of year speech by the Head of State HE. Paul Biya may bring some peace to the troubled regions.

by Sama Wesley

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